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Early Life

Yasuke: The African Samurai of 16th Century Japan

Early Life

Yasuke, known in Japan as Kuro-san ("Mr. Black") or Kuro-suke ("Little Black"), was an enigmatic figure whose early life remains shrouded in mystery. His origins are believed to have been in Mozambique, and he likely arrived in Japan as a slave or servant of Portuguese traders in 1579.

Meeting Nobunaga

In a fortuitous twist of fate, Yasuke's exceptional height and strength caught the attention of Oda Nobunaga, one of Japan's most powerful feudal lords. Nobunaga was intrigued by Yasuke's exotic appearance and his skills as a warrior, and granted him an audience. Impressed by Yasuke's loyalty and courage, Nobunaga took him under his wing as a retainer.

Rise to Prominence

As a member of Nobunaga's inner circle, Yasuke quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a trusted advisor and an integral part of Nobunaga's military campaigns. His bravery and tactical acumen earned him the respect of both his fellow samurai and his enemies.


Yasuke's story is a fascinating tale of cultural exchange and a testament to the enduring human spirit. He became a legendary figure in Japan, inspiring countless works of art and literature. His legacy as the first and only African samurai continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world.
